Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Kluang Station @ IPC

Its been awhile since I last visit Kluang Station.

This is one of the drink that I'll never miss if I'm there, the Sirap Limao.. until now, I still have no idea what are the 'eye', the little that looks like an eye in the drink.. hmmm

They served a good Beef Rendang Nasi Lemak there. The pieces of beef were nice cooked, tender & juicy. Most of all, full of spices. Love it!!.. It goes so well with the Nasi Lemak. And theirs Nasi really have the lemak santan taste.. good.. the best if to compare with those in the chained kopitiam..

Fried Rice... it may seems very nicely put up in the menu but nahhh... tasteless (the fried rice). LJ had to add! add! & add@ soya sauce to go with it... nothing to wow about!..

Choco Crunch - Organic Country Farm

Recommended by Peggy.

A good one as Snack. I don't really like to have Milk to go with it. I like the crunchy and chewy texture. Good for mouth exercise :p

Christmas Cup - Starbuck

Always like the Christmas paper cup that Starbuck is having each year.

This year, they've the 'handsome Fox'... hehe

How I wish, everyday is a snow day.. :p

Thursday, November 24, 2011




今天我加入了炸鱼柳,香肠和一些小辣椒。都是我认为跟意面很搭,便宜,快捷又好味!我还加入了cream cheese,所以颜色才会怪怪的。。呵呵!!我却觉得还蛮好看,特别嘛!一看就知道是本小姐的杰作!哈哈!

味道嘛~~ 肯定是好的咯!;-)

Curry Laksa @ Taman Sri Bahagia, Cheras

Its been a Curry Laksa week for me.. lol..

Another good & super delicious one at Cheras (just a very lauzy stall under a big tree, no name, no nice table setting, not even a sweet smiley face from the waiter/waitress, lol.. LC face got!! lol).. but the taste... & the portion served!! So filling!! So right my taste!!!

If it is not a friend who stay nearby, I will never ever find it, not to mention to try it. :)

Their hand made (mau baru buat) Minced Pork Sui Kao (dumpling) .. what else to say.. Good la of course!! :p

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Wedding Dinner - Cyverview Lodge Resort & Spa

Wedding Dinner - Cyverview Lodge Resort & Spa

Wedding dinner's dishes @ Coursin's Wedding in Cyverview Lodge Resort & Spa

One of the Good Curry Mee in SS2

Had a simple dinner at SS2 tonight. Used to like one of the curry mee at this coffee shop. I first had it at the age of 20, over the past 10 years + the taste is still good and same as before. It is still one of the popular in this coffee shop even though the food & beverage pricing for this place is getting more & more expensive.

Another good one is the Milk Tea.


Sunday, November 20, 2011



Seed Cafe - Midvalley

A friend's favourite spot for their special drink, Ice De Menthel (a refreshing sparkling Mint drinks).

I had Icy Green (cucumber + Basil leaves + Mint), Another of their specialty. if you need a good detox drink, this could be one of it :S

Another to recommend: the Curry Laksa. They use the noodle which normally we have for Assam Laksa. And the prawn were fresh and the laksa is good, full of spices & creamier.

Worth to give it a try the next time you're in Midvalley ^^ (They're just next to Chillis Midvalley)

Icy Green

Ice De Menthel

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tummi Trimm

Free trial given by Peggy...said can heard loosen deep seated encrustation in the colon and eliminate it from the body... I took a pack, so far nothing much out from my body.

Was that mean, my body digestion system is good? :p

Monday, November 14, 2011

晚餐:辣炒臭豆虾仁 + 炒番薯叶




Lee Jhin还真有心!买了这盒蛋卷送我。很感激她的关心。


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Steamboat & BBQ Buffet @ Telepon Kuchai Lama

Everyone having their 11.11.11. celebration on the 11.11.11. But we celebrated our 11.11.11 on the 12.11.11 at here! ^^

This is what I want, and this is what D can have at this time due to his health conditions!.. We had a quite 'happening' one (due to the grill & my hair & dress get all so smelly) and a memorable one. ^^

We have not been visiting this place for quite a while. We were glad that they actually improved their food selection. They served Pork Slices now!! ^^ my favourite!! Awesome!!

Its been a long time since I last had this Malay fried chicken & gizzard!! They actually taste quite good but may be because I left it till late noon, rather chewy.

Had an whole papaya for Lunch!!

Some Kuih-Muih that I like from Kampung