Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Pontian Wantan Noodle @ SS2

It is always too hard to find a parking in SS2. Guess we have a little luck today. And the nearest place we can get to a makan place is this one here same row with Pelita SS2.

First time visiting the place.

The interior actually quite nice. Especially the tables & chairs. Kinda like given a feeling that we were back to school time. or should say kindergarden? lol... Chairs are small & colourful.

The Wantan mee... actually not bad!! I like!!.. some people were saying the mee is too little to get full, but just ngam for me.. lol..

The Wantan is quite poor, smaller size and the wantan were actually sticked together when it served. The person who cooked this, is so lazy and not dedicated enough!! :p

One of the dessert from the menu, the Watermelon & Honeydew Sago.
Okay for me, not too sweet.