Saturday, March 31, 2012


在Sunway Damansara的这间,蛮久以前去了一两次,没觉得有啥特别。价钱也高。最近因为真的在这附近吃到腻,再去帮衬了两次。这两次让我有了全新的体会。




新华肉骨茶 - Jalan Peel, Kuala Lumpur

有蛮久的一段时间没去新华了 。一半原因也是因为Queen's Park拆了。不确定它的新址。



这顿午餐就吃了RM57+... 唉~~

Thursday, March 22, 2012

半三芭为食街 - 炸鸡


我要了炸鸡翅,和鸡肫(Chicken Gizzard)... 脆到~~~ 好吃!

半三芭为食街之糖水 (Jalan Pudu)


鸡蛋茶.... 很好喝!顺喉到~~~ 甜度刚好!很棒!才RM 1.90呐...

炖蛋.... 最好卖,也是必点之一。现在很难吃到了。
吃了一口,就停不了口了!赞!RM 1.90/一碗

Pakka Teow Chew Poridge (百家苑)

This is my 3rd time here. Basically they serve Teow Chew Poridge (潮州粥), nothing really special to snap. But this time, I decided to try their signature Curry Fish Head!

Very fresh Fish Head! Creamy santan gravy .. a little too thick for me. Overall, boleh makan!.. Satisfying! RM 26.00 for 2 person.

Signature Roast Duck... crispy in the outside, tender & juicy inside!!.. Worth for a try!.. RM 16.00 for this portion for 2 person.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

泰式乡村饭店 (Jing Thai)

Belated Birthday dinner from D, at Jing Thai (Thai Restaurant), Serdang.

The inner view...

Seafood Tomyam.. this is awesome!!.. superb!!.. hot & sour .. more importantly, not from the instant tomyam paste! ;-)

Keong Sam Steam/Fried Fish... Quite a tricky dish. You may not feel anything special at the beginning, the more you have, the more hot in the stomach. The more liking you get!!.. Yes, I love it! ^^

Thai Crispy Duck (one of their signature)... this is good too!. Juicy meat, crispy skin!.. yum~~

Dessert of the Day, Soya Pudding with Gula Melaka & Sago. Good la of course! ^^

Not too pricey thou... ;-)

I Love Hokkien Mee!

Was at Serdang, and this is the place that recommended by Angela. The restaurant name: I Love Hokkien Mee. Kinda funny name.

This ginseng kuk fa tea is cooling. Thick ginseng taste. Good!

This is 上汤啦啦!a little wine taste, not too much of ginger taste. Lala is fresh. This is the best so far for me! :)

南乳炸肉.. NamYu Fried Pork. They fried it only when receive order. This is good too!

虾米包菜... the vege is too dry, 只是清烫,不够熟软。我不喜欢!

Hokkien Mee... nothing to wow about!.. normal saja...

Sunday, February 19, 2012





等汉堡的时候,认不住了,买了100克。原来所谓的100克就只有两片而已。这样就去了RM 9.50... 切片的。

也好,反正最近吃面包配香肠吃的有点腻了。就夹夹肉干吧... ^^

龙记猪肉汉堡 (茨厂街)



配上辣椒酱和Mayonese... 味道是好的。我喜欢。^^

Sweet Chat

Basically if you are not fussy about food, this consider a good place to stopby for some dessert or quick snack/lunch...

Green Curry Beef Spaghetti.. strong spices gravy... a little hot.. overall, quite a special taste... Peggy said.. more like an Indian dish...

Nasi Kunyit with Curry Chicken... one of the best so far... Peggy's liking..

Steamed Egg.. one of the dessert.. not too sweet..


跟Peggy本来打算去马六甲走一趟..... 可惜走到半路,爆胎了。
还好,叫来highway ronda... 有他们的帮忙,很快就搞定了。
可惜,因为spare tyre不能走快,唯有打道回府咯...

Murni SS2

This is always one of Peggy's favourite spot in PJ...

Not too fancy for me.. this time, we tried their signature Nasi Lemak..

And I had Kedongdong Assam Mui... sweet and sourly the same time.. quite appetisizing..

The signature Nasi Lemak, RM 12,90...

Gift From LJ

A gift from LJ which she bought from Labuan

Yeah, chocolate is always my favourite ...

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Pepper Lunch @ 1U Food Republic

Peggy so like Pepper Lunch, always craving for it. This time, my turn to give it a try.

eh... how to say, ok loh.. really nothing to shout about.. but good try I would say. :)

Peggy was saying, this one here in Food republic may be because it is a stall, it has add-ons which other Pepper Lunch outlet don't have. I never been to their other outlets, so not sure about it. But I have doubts. This is somethingt that make money, how can they not having the add-ons.. :)

This is Peggy's, Chicken with Tuna flakes add-on..

This is my... Salmon with Shitake Mushroom add-on...

after mixed all together... become.. Mixed Rice lohh... lol.. :p