Sunday, February 12, 2012

Pepper Lunch @ 1U Food Republic

Peggy so like Pepper Lunch, always craving for it. This time, my turn to give it a try.

eh... how to say, ok loh.. really nothing to shout about.. but good try I would say. :)

Peggy was saying, this one here in Food republic may be because it is a stall, it has add-ons which other Pepper Lunch outlet don't have. I never been to their other outlets, so not sure about it. But I have doubts. This is somethingt that make money, how can they not having the add-ons.. :)

This is Peggy's, Chicken with Tuna flakes add-on..

This is my... Salmon with Shitake Mushroom add-on...

after mixed all together... become.. Mixed Rice lohh... lol.. :p