Friday, March 12, 2010


So many times we act, or choose not to act, out of fear/concern/shyness over how other people might perceive us or what we are doing. We seek approval, or at very least we wish to avoid a disapproving look.

But there is only one person you really have to answer for your thoughts, your words and your actions. That's the face in the mirror.

Would he approve? If so, the others don't matter. If not, then it's clear you should not do what you were contemplating.

Just ask the face in the mirror.

I do agree to a certain part of this says.

Sometimes when we're stuck, we might be "blinded", "numbed" or our judgment would not be the best. That's when we need to listen to ppl's advice or opinion.

Sometimes we just can't see our own weaknesses due to our clouded judgement, but only another party with a clearer vision & mind able to see that.

Sometimes, we can't have all the experiences or knowledge to do & decide everything, everytime, that it is the best for us.